Our history
We have reached our goal – becoming Sweden´s most reliable project engineers – focusing on high quality services, building trust and caring for our co-workers.
When the consultant agency PRC was bought up by a larger company, Nils Carlsson and Sofie Wirandi chose to resign. A big corporation could, no doubt, entail new opportunities. On the other hand, it could also involve a completely different work culture. In large corporations, engineers rarely get to decide the borders of their own discipline. Nils and Sofie were used to a workplace with a strong sense of companionship, where everyone had access to and an understanding of each other’s projects. Nils, the visionary of these two, suggested that they talk to their former colleague, Mattias Liss. Maybe they could do something together?
That summer, the three of them spent in endless planning sessions on Mattias’s porch. They analyzed every aspect of their business plan and got to know each other – the joyous one with great visions, the energetic problem solver and the structured pragmatic with a gut feeling. Their differences turned out to be what lifted the group to exhilarating heights. Although none of them had any experience of running a company, their goal was clear: They would become Sweden´s most reliable project engineers.
With the motto “What you don´t know, you find out”, Sofie´s created their company´s web structure, built an entire IT system and an intranet. And, even though she had no experience in finances, she developed their financial system with corresponding processes.
The trio founded Processus AB in September of 2015. They rolled up their sleeves and started building the company from scratch – contracts, a client base, employees and offices. They recruited their former colleague, Anders Dahlgren, as Manager for the Uppsala office. It was opened the same day as the Stockholm office.
With Anders´s food clients on the east coast and the big pharmaceutical client they had signed up in the western Sweden, the business started rolling. It was a phenomenal path of economic growth and more people from their network joined.
After they hired Susanne Levin was hired as Chief Quality Officer, they designed a project model and a solid quality system. Andreas Erensjö, their new Region West Manager, started building what was to become Processus´s impressive client database. He has been committed to the company´s network of consultants ever since.
Becoming your country´s most reliable project engineers requires a thought-out modus operandi. Their long experience, great knowledge and wide range of skills was a great start. Gathering committed engineers in an including environment where everyone´s knowledge was valued, created a unique togetherness. Their connections resulted in an extensive network that still supplies the company with the talents essential for a turnkey supplier. They had made it.
2015 Employees: 4 Revenues: 850 kSEK
2021 Employees: 60 Revenues: 180 MSEKK
In 2021, Mattias stepped down as the CEO. He had in all secrecy (for Johan Teodorsson, too), recruited Johan as his successor.
– I hired Johan to monitor the construction of our Uppsala office. I immediately spotted his potential. I knew he would become a great CEO. I gave him six months to get accustomed before I introduced my idea. It´s fair to say that it turned out great, Mattias Liss smiles.
Entering as a new CEO in the middle of a pandemic was challenging. When the restrictions finally were removed, Johan was thrilled to return to the office where he´d be able to chat with the everyone in person. It wasn´t only about making sure that that everything was working, it was also about finding the best solutions. He did, obviously, have the mandate to make final decisions. He still found that listening to others, asking questions and observing usually lead to the best solution unfolding.
In less than a decade, Processus has created a name for themselves within the process industry. The staff has grown ten-fold and the revenues have multiplied. A substantial part of the profit is returned to the workforce every year in the shape of bonuses and trips.
The culture of inclusion begins day one. Onboarding is a big thing; every new employee receives a warm and personal welcoming. After receiving your laptop, bag, jacket, headphones and flowers Magdalena registers your birthday and possible allergies. Within the next few days, you are meeting people from the management group and participating in an introduction program with the CEO.
– We wanted Processus to have a warm and homely atmosphere. My goal has always been that people enjoy going to their workplace. I do think we succeeded, says Nils Carlsson.
“Årets Gasell” – The gazelle of the year – is an homage to Sweden´s fastest growing companies. Processus has been awarded Årets Gasell three years in a row. They´ve also enjoyed four years in a row with impeccable ISO revisions and cero incident reports regarding quality (9001), environment (14001) and work environment (45001).